“The Social Network”

The New Year is supposed to be filled with new beginnings and resolutions, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to bring change into my life. I decided to modify my mode of communication this year. I will be deleting my Facebook account on January 22 and will begin keeping in touch with my friends the old-fashioned way at least for a year. This began as an attempt to get more privacy and take distractions and stress out of my life, but is now evolving into a project on building more meaningful relationships. Facebook allows us to easily obtain a lot of information on others, but all of it is rather shallow. Facebook does have its benefits, but it’s a relationship crutch and I would like to see what life is like without it.

I got an address book and am looking forward to filling it with new contacts. I want to send some snail mail, so if anyone would like a pen-pal, send me a message. I did create a Facebook page for this blog, so now there is a convenient way to keep up with the updates if you don’t want to use Bloglovin’. I think that Facebook is well suited for this business type of interaction.

I will write an update on this experiment in 3 to 6 months. Will I miss out on my friend’s lives? Will I get excluded from party invitations? Will I be able to have deeper relationships with people? Will I pay more attention to the world around me? Whatever the answer, I think it will be an adventure; what do you think?

One response to ““The Social Network”

  1. Alex is glad that you’re doing this experiment and not him. You can always count on me to leave you voicemail.

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